With this tool you can "slice" any 3D models into 2D parts (packed or with spacing) which you could cut out with your favorite machine and assemble them by means of glue and/or interlocking slots. Maybe you have used "Autodesk 123D Make" before and were sad when it was discontinued - but with " Slicer for Fusion", its functionality isn't lost! Unfortunately, there is no simple solution like SketchUp's "make unique" feature in Fusion 360. In cases where this behavior is not desired, the best workaround seems to be saving a component as an individual file ("Save copy as") and inserting it to the design as a new component. When you copy & paste a component, the copy will still be linked to it and mirrors all modificiations you make to another component of the same type. Log in with your Autodesk account and select "Edit in browser" on any design or create a new project and select "New => Fusion design". This version of Fusion 360 does not yet have the full set of features, but might still be useful in case you can not install the desktop version.

Fusion 360 supports editing inside the browser.